The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Monday, January 31, 2011

Four Months Old

This post is a couple days late for a few reasons. 
#1- We are having internet issues at our house...Charter (enough said)
#2- I am getting over a stomach virus that attacked me yesterday
#3- You have decided that sleeping through the night is no longer necessary, which makes for a very exhausted mommy after a long day at work.
#4- My camera broke a the National Championship game in Arizona- not many pictures this time :(

On with the post...

Firsts: trying rice cereal (not digging it), first foods (sweet potatoes appeared to be your favorite), eating with a spoon (on a side note- we tried all these foods in attempt to continue your sleeping through the night, which you've done since about 10 weeks. This extra food just made you wake up in the middle of the night, so we stopped) first taste of formula- you didn't know the difference, although mommy felt a little guilty for some strange reason, first BIG snow, going to day care while mommy works

News Headlines: Auburn wins the National Championship!, Verizon announces release of iPhone, State of the Union address

Milestones: You now require a bib at all times. I remember thinking "what in the world are we going to do with all these bibs?" I now know (and appreciate) their purpose. You drool ALL the time! You love to suck on your fingers and are starting to pull anything towards your mouth. We don't see any teeth yet, but I think the process is beginning. You are now what Gerber calls a "Supported Sitter". You love to sit up on my lap and just need support for your back and belly. You tend to lean forward and we have to keep you from tipping over! Your head is pretty stable now, it just wobbles when you get excited. No rolling over yet- you rolled over from belly to back a few times during your 3rd month, but haven't recently. 

Measurements: Another reason for posting a couple days late was that we had your 4 month check up this morning. You weigh 14 pounds and 3 ounces and are 26 1/2 inches long! You're 24% for weight, and 89% for height. You are "long and lean" as the doctor told us. Everything else was perfect! You wear size 2 diapers now and 3-6 month clothes (some are still a little big). 

Our Days: Well, as written last month, I knew our schedule would change since I had to go back to work. And as mentioned above, you have decided that waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning works better for your schedule. Not good for mommy. You usually go to bed between 7:30 and 8 and sleep until 3 or 4. I put you back down until 6:15 or so, when we need to leave for daycare. Sometimes you go back to sleep for a couple hours at daycare, sometimes not. I send 3 bottles with you and if you don't eat the last one, I feed you when we get home, around 4:00. Another quick nap, followed by bath and another bottle. Yes, we are fully bottle-feeding now. About half of the time it is formula and the other half breastmilk. I have a feeling that soon, though, we will be switching totally to formula. I feel a tad guilty about this, but I know that formula is better than ever and provides adequate nutrition for you. We are thinking of trying rice cereal again at night. We haven't in about 3 weeks, and for the past week and a half, you have been waking up hungry at 3 or 4. Maybe this is the right time to try.

Challenges: There are not enough hours in the day. I am so tired when I get home and want to spend time with you. I feel very guilty about being away from you during the day. I was reading a friend's blog about working vs. staying at home. I know, financially, it would not work for us if I stayed home. But, it really is so hard to be away from you so much. Hopefully, it will get easier as time goes by. 

Our Favorites:  Your smile melts my heart. Period. I will do anything to see it, even if it means tossing you in the air until my arms feel like noodles. Your giggle is adorable, and you love your daddy's voice. He can get your attention almost any time. Your belly has also become a little ticklish- when I change your diaper, I give you belly kisses and you love it! 

How we Celebrated: Well, daddy was out of town this weekend, so it was just you and me. Granna came over for a little while and played with you. Other than that, we just played and napped and ate. The next day, mommy came down with a stomach virus, so at least I felt good on your special day :)

Here are a few pictures from this month. By a few, I really mean a few...boy have things gotten busy since I went back to work. I will do better about pictures next month!

The first morning you went to day care


Laughing with Granna

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Thoughtful Morning

My day began bright and early at 5:00 this morning. This is my first day back to work since I've had Will, and it will be a tough one. It is a teacher work day, so I'm allowed to arrive a little later than normal. Will will be staying with a babysitter at her house Mon-Wed. and with my parents on Thursdays and Fridays. I have dreaded this day for 3 months. Not that I don't love my job and miss my kids, I do, but any working mother can sympathize with me. I know he will be fine and grow up to be a well-adjusted, fully-functioning citizen..but still...

I trust "Mrs. Tucker" and of course my parents, and I know he will be very well taken care of. But as a mother, you feel like no one can do it quite like you can. 

Please pray for me today- I think it will be much harder for me to adjust to our new schedule then it will for the baby. I have spent many moments in prayer the past few weeks preparing for this day and ones to come. I will post some updates later :) Have a wonderful day!