Happy 10 Months!!
This is what you were doing while I was trying to get the perfect picture:
Firsts: crawling; drinking from a sippy cup (a little- I give you just water right now); swimming in the lake; new foods- peaches, oreos, angel food cake, cantaloupe, and many others; riding on a boat; wearing a life jacket; pulling up on everything; trying some 3rd foods; stomach virus (I think)- you threw up 3 times one night, and come to find out, a little boy at daycare got sick 3 days before that
News Headlines: Casey Anthony was found not guilty (except for lying to police) and was released from jail, U.S. women make it to the finals in the World Cup but lose to Japan
Milestones: You are crawling now! You started the day that we had our 9 month check-up: July 7th. The first place you headed for? The fireplace of course. You get faster every day. No new teeth- still the magic number 4. You have started to pull up on everything! No cruising yet, but you love to pull up on the coffee table and bang on it with your hands! You haven't quite figured out how to fall gracefully- when you want to sit down, you just plop down, and usually cry because it scared you :) Also, you still mostly eat 2nd foods, but we've tried some 3rd foods too. Some of them are really thick, especially the veggies. So we've stuck with apples and pears. The sweet potatoes are the only veggie that's really thin, and you love those!
Measurements: Our 9 month appointment was July 7th and my guesses on measurements were pretty close. You were 20 lbs 12 oz and 29 1/2 inches long. I had guessed 20 pounds and 30 inches. Still in size 3 diapers, but some 4's also fit- we're just using up the 3's right now. Mostly 12 month clothes- I think a few 9 month things still fit. Pajamas are 18 month size :)
Other Info:
*You are still an early bird. You wake up sometime between 5:30 and 6 every morning. Sometimes you sleep in until 6:30, but that is rare! But that's ok- when school starts, we have to leave here by 6:30 for daycare, so that works out just fine :)
*You have chewed the finish off of the side of your crib- the side that faces the door of course. We lowered your mattress ALL the way down, hoping you couldn't reach the top to chew on it. It works for now, but you are going to be a tall boy, so we'll see how long that lasts :)
*You are still taking 2 naps a day, usually from about 8:30-10:30 and about 1:30-3:30. Sometimes it's a little different, depending on our schedule that day.
*You are sleeping from about 8 to 5:30 or 6, usually without waking up. Sometimes you cry out once or twice, but I think you are just having a bad dream- you never open your eyes.
*You are still napping in your car seat. And please don't call child protective services, but you sleep in our closet! It's a walk-in, don't worry- and very well ventilated. Why, you ask? It is pitch black and super quiet- the ideal napping locale for a baby!
*You are supposed to be taking 4 bottles a day, but you usually refuse one of them (or only drink an ounce or two). You've never quite been a fan of formula, and always fall a little short of the minimum ounces per day.
*Dr. J says we can start giving you snacks (2 a day), but that doesn't always happen. I would rather you drink your bottle than eat a handful of Puffs. When we do have a snack, I give you the Gerber yogurt for babies- at least that has some protein that you might be missing in those ounces of formula that I pour down the drain!
Here are some pictures from this month:
4th of July
You have always loved to chew on this poor reindeer's legs
Checkin' out the sippy cup
Sitting in the toy basket
Playing in the lake on 4th of July
Posing for the camera :)
Your new favorite thing to do
watching "Blue's Clues" in the morning
First boat ride
sitting with granna
Dear Will,
When you are 13 years old, please do not hate me for posting the following picture. I simply saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. An adorable opportunity. :)
daddy wrapping you up after a bath :)
pulling up on the couch...
...and the coffee table
"helping" grandpa put together your johnny jump-up; every part has to taste just right before it can be used (quality control at it's finest)