Over the past 4 years, I have laughed, cried, changed my name, and had a baby- and all with these 50+ children that I have been blessed with. I will always remember them, maybe not specific names, but definitely the different ways we have bonded. They are all a part of my "extended family".
As the years go by, memories fade, but I do want to write down a few from each year:
1st year (APS)- We were going through first grade for the first time together. I had a wonderful mentor and learned so much- more than any class at Auburn could have prepared me for. I really bonded with a special little boy and his family (we'll call him "J"). I still get teary eyed talking about him sometimes. I took him home some afternoons and stayed to tutor him a day or two a week. I watched him play t-ball (I tried to go to my kids' games when possible). He was such a sweet soul, and his parents were angels. Every Christmas, I still go to First Baptist Church in Arab to see the Living Christmas Tree performance, and he (along with another sweet boy from that year- "D") sings in the children's choir. That was a precious class, and I boohooed on awards day giving my 'speech'. November of that year, I got engaged, and my name would be changed the next school year. I told my class that not only were they special because they were my first, but they would always be the only "Miss Ivan's Class". :)
2nd year (APS)- By this time, I felt a lot better about teaching the skills, managing behavior, etc. We changed the Reading Curriculum to Scott Foresman, so that was a learning experience for everyone! I had some sweet kiddos that year too. I had 2 girls who were the "mommas" of my room- "C" and "R". They were two of the kindest girls I have ever had in class. I don't think I ever heard either of them say an ugly word to anyone. Precious. Also, our musical program each year was called "BUGZ", and each child dressed up as an different insect. One part was the praying mantis, which was assigned to my class. The little boy that was chosen dressed up as a preacher and wore a suit and tie, and brought a Bible from home to hold. One of his lines was, "AAAAA---MEN!" It was adorable :)
3rd year (move to GES)- In May of my 2nd year at Arab, I got a call from Guntersville, saying they would possibly have an opening in first grade. It made total sense to go, since I was living there and that's where I went to school. But it truly broke my heart to leave Arab. I was very sad to go, yet excited to be at the same school where I grew up. Bittersweet for sure :) Needless to say, I love GES! This particular year, I had several ELL children in my class. I had the opportunity to learn some Japanese and brush up on my dancing skills for the Christmas Program. I had two "Angelic" room mothers who were amazing. Their daughters were as sweet as they were. In February, I found out that I was pregnant, and read a book to my class called "Our Teacher is Having a Baby". When I finished, I asked them, "Why do you think I read this book to you?" And one little girl (who was dying to tell everyone because I had already told her mother) was about to burst with excitement. I gave her the 'go ahead' look, and she said (rather, yelled), "You're having a baby!!!" Some of their reactions, and questions/comments later, were hilarious. I had horrible morning sickness, and some days I would just open the back door, throw up in the grass, and come back in to continue teaching. I had gatorade with me at all times to stay hydrated and to hold off the nausea. One day, I was sitting at my computer in the front of the room and my drink was all the way in the back. I asked one little boy, "C" to please go get it for me because my belly wasn't feeling too good. He nodded with a look of understanding and said, "Oh. Because of that baby?", pointing to my belly. Haha- I should have written down all the things I heard that semester :)
4th year (GES)- This past year flew by unlike any other. Part of the reason was that I was on maternity leave from Sept. 26th- January 3rd. We got off to a great start, got routines established, and then I handed everything over to my substitute. I had some sweet kiddos this past year, and a couple amazing mommas- you know who you are :) One mother even sewed Will a quilt as a gift. Sweet mommas = sweet kiddos. Even though I missed an entire semester (and was very sleep-deprived during the other), I still had a special bond with that class. That was my largest class, going from 14 my first year to 18 that year.
I am excited to start a new year with my new class! Postcards have gone out and my classroom is ready. I met my children and their families last night at Orientation, and I will be there bright and early Monday morning to greet them on their first day of first grade :) Here are some pictures of my room this year:
My new rug! I LOVE it!