Firsts: drinking whole milk (no more formula for us, yessss), dropped daytime bottle- switched to sippy cup of milk, first pair of real shoes, getting your feet measured, going to the mall (I know...we don't get out much), lots of new foods (a favorite is mandarin oranges), going to a birthday party (Tyler- who you share a b'day with)
Other Info.: (I think just a list is the format that will work the best from now on)
*You really like the whole milk (I was a little nervous about the transition)- I don't blame you, that formula is pretty yucky
*We had your 1 year pictures made the other day- they are going to be precious! You sat on the grass for the first time and weren't quite sure how to take it. I know, isn't that pitiful that we haven't set you down in the dirt before? I'm sure you will grow to love the dirt as you get older!
*You are still taking 2 naps a day- both around 2 hours (usually). I don't know when we'll make the switch to 1 longer nap- I guess you'll let us know when you're ready.
*You still wear size 4 diapers, day and night- Pampers/target brand during the day, Huggies overnight diapers at bedtime
*You have really figured out this "cruising" thing- you can travel around the coffee table, corners and all, especially if there's a toy you want nearby
*You now have 10 teeth (almost)- two of your top molars has been coming in for a couple weeks now, those things are HUGE, bless your heart
*You still take a bottle first thing in the morning and at bedtime. I think it will be harder on me than you to take these away. That is my only snuggle time with you :( But I know it needs to be done soon.
*You talk ALL the time! All kinds of sounds and words. You start when you wake up, before I even get in there, and don't stop until you're asleep!
*You still sit rear-facing in the car seat. At your 1 year check up, the dr. said the AAP has changed it's recommendation to stay rear-facing from 1 year to 2 years. The actual law is just 1. He said really, to do it as long as you're comfortable (maybe 15 mo. or so) and then turn you. Since you are so tall, we may not make it to 15 months before you have your feet against the seat. Thankfully, you don't seem to mind riding backwards :)
*When you turned a year old, we started getting all kinds of variations of the question, "So when are you having another baby?" I don't mind the questions, and just to answer them- Yes, we want another one. No, not right now. Unless the Good Lord has other plans, we are thinking at least another year or so. Will is still our baby, and we are loving every minute of it :)
A few pictures from this month:
Self-serve Cheerios
Do you think the TV is up too high?
At Tyler's birthday party- playing with a sweet friend Thomas
One of your favorite birthday presents- a musical table from Mimi and PawPaw (already on our 2nd set of batteries)
silly goose :)
practicing your standing skills
getting your feet measured for your first pair of shoes- yes, I was the weirdo mom taking pictures :)
Pumpkin Patch 2011
"And this is supposed to be fun?"
....and a car just drove by.
finally a hint of a smile
we had to get you a baby pumpkin :)
"can I have two?"
so proud of your little pumpkin (the stem was pretty tasty, too)
The best shot we could get- too bad little buddy wasn't smiling. I think he's just agreeing with daddy that the pumpkin patch wasn't all it's cracked up to be.
Next year, I hope to go to Tate Farms, and I know Jeff is super excited....haha....if you are interested in going, he probably would pay you to go in his place, seriously :) If you've never heard of it, apparently it's AWESOME. Check out their website. They have tractor rides, farm animals you can feed and pet, hay rides, a corn maze, pumpkin painting, and so much more! I really think that Will would enjoy it next year!
Coming Soon!
- Your 2nd Halloween and Thanksgiving
- Christmas pictures
- Maybe an Auburn football game?