I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! We are so ready to meet baby Sam. My maternity leave has begun, and I am nesting like a crazy woman. I have cleaned out the fridge, 2 freezers, and pantry. Not just organize- I mean, full-on pulling everything out, cleaning the inside shelves, and reorganizing. I have also gotten some Christmas shopping done because I know it will be crazy around here for the next weeks/months.
I don't have a belly picture, but trust me, the belly is big. But due to being out of work, my feet are not! At my 37 week appointment, I had not made much progress toward labor. Because he is due a couple days after Thanksgiving, and because my doctor is going to be off/out of town for 5 days around my due date, we talked about inducing a little early. He has scheduled me for Monday, Nov. 25th- just a week and a half away! However, if I haven't shown any progress by next week's appointment, we may have to change those plans.
I've been having lots of indigestion (especially at night), and I did not have any with Will. I really didn't even know what it was until I described it to Jeff. Not fun. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. I've been having contractions off and on all day for a couple weeks now- usually a couple times an hour. They don't really hurt yet, but I can tell they are a little stronger each day.
Since I've been not working, I've been spending some extra time with this guy:
He's been recovering from some kind of virus, but seems to be a little better each day.
We are all ready to meet baby brother!