Sam was one month old on Christmas Day! Here are some quick updates on little brother:
- We have switched strictly to bottles, although I'm only having to supplement with formula once a day. Bottle feeding just seemed to work better this time around.
- Speaking of eating, he usually takes 6-7 bottles a day, usually around 3-4 oz each.
- Not sure about weight, but I'm guessing around 8 or 8 1/2 lbs- this little one loves to eat!
- Still wearing newborn clothes- we've tried 0-3 months, and 1 outfit works right now.
- Newborn diapers, but moving to size 1's in the next week or two
- Goes to bed around 9-10, sleeps until 1-2, and then wakes up again between 4-5. There have been a few exceptions (last night he slept from 9:30-3:00)
- During the day, he is awake for 1-2 hours at a time, and then sleeps for 1-2 hours, sometimes longer. Right now, I swaddle him at night and he sleeps in his crib. During the day, he naps out in the living room on a blanket or on the couch. I'm doing really well with not holding him while he sleeps, although it's hard sometimes :)
- He really is a pretty laid back baby, and used to lots of noise! His big brother never stops talking! Will is still doing great with him- no signs of jealousy yet.
- His umbilical cord stump JUST fell off today. Finally! Maybe this sweet little one will finally get a bath!
Here are a few more pictures from Christmas and this past month:
Tucker's Christmas party
Will's Christmas party at school
We love his sweet teachers Ms. Kay and Ms. Dana!
Seeing Santa at the mall- he was so excited!
A little carousel riding
I went to my class Christmas party at school and brought Sam. It was so good to see my kids after being gone for 6 weeks! While Same stayed in the office with my mom, Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped by!
Christmas at the Weathers' house
All 6 grandchildren. This picture took a lot of work!
I got some new boots for Christmas, and Will thinks it is especially fun to walk in them
Sleeps with his arms up, just like his brother did
A little comparison-
Will at 1 month:
Sam at 1 month:
See any similarities?