The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sam- 1 Month

Sam was one month old on Christmas Day! Here are some quick updates on little brother:
  • We have switched strictly to bottles, although I'm only having to supplement with formula once a day. Bottle feeding just seemed to work better this time around.
  • Speaking of eating, he usually takes 6-7 bottles a day, usually around 3-4 oz each.
  • Not sure about weight, but I'm guessing around 8 or 8 1/2 lbs- this little one loves to eat!
  • Still wearing newborn clothes- we've tried 0-3 months, and 1 outfit works right now. 
  • Newborn diapers, but moving to size 1's in the next week or two
  • Goes to bed around 9-10, sleeps until 1-2, and then wakes up again between 4-5. There have been a few exceptions (last night he slept from 9:30-3:00)
  • During the day, he is awake for 1-2 hours at a time, and then sleeps for 1-2 hours, sometimes longer. Right now, I swaddle him at night and he sleeps in his crib. During the day, he naps out in the living room on a blanket or on the couch. I'm doing really well with not holding him while he sleeps, although it's hard sometimes :)
  • He really is a pretty laid back baby, and used to lots of  noise! His big brother never stops talking! Will is still doing great with him- no signs of jealousy yet.  
  • His umbilical cord stump JUST fell off today. Finally! Maybe this sweet little one will finally get a bath!
Jeff and I are leaving next Saturday to go to Pasadena because Auburn is playing in the National Championship! I'm feeling a little guilty about leaving the boys, especially a newborn that is not sleeping through the night. My parents are going to stay at our house with them for a few days. Bless them! We are so thankful for grandparents that live so close and are willing and able to help us.

Here are a few more pictures from Christmas and this past month:

Tucker's Christmas party

Will's Christmas party at school

We love his sweet teachers Ms. Kay and Ms. Dana!

Seeing Santa at the mall- he was so excited!

A little carousel riding

I went to my class Christmas party at school and brought Sam. It was so good to see my kids after being gone for 6 weeks! While Same stayed in the office with my mom, Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped by!

Christmas at the Weathers' house

All 6 grandchildren. This picture took a lot of work!

I got some new boots for Christmas, and Will thinks it is especially fun to walk in them

Sleeps with his arms up, just like his brother did

A little comparison- 
Will at 1 month:

Sam at 1 month:
See any similarities?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sam- 2 Weeks Old

We went for Sam's 2 week check up today and everything looks great! He has surpassed his birth weight by almost a pound. He weighed in today at 7 lbs, 10 oz and was still 20 inches long.

We don't really have much of a schedule these days, but I am starting to see a trend with the times he eats. He eats about every 3 hours, give or take a little bit. He only stays awake for maybe an hour at the most, and naps anywhere and everywhere. I usually let him nap on the couch or on his Boppy pillow, and save the crib for night time. We swaddle him at night, but not during the day. He seems to like the swaddle right now, but sometimes fights to get his arms out.

We put him down for bed around 10, and he is usually up between 1 and 2, and again between 4 and 5. Luckily, he goes right back to sleep after I feed him- sometimes WHILE I feed him. That's probably our biggest challenge right now- keeping him awake while he eats.

Will is doing so great with him. Any time he fusses, Will stops what he's doing and goes to him and says, "Don't worry, your bruder is here!" Instead of being excited to see me or Jeff when he gets home from daycare or school, he always looks for and asks about Sam first. It's pretty sweet :)

Just some quick updates about our newest addition!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Samuel Jefferson Weathers

We welcomed baby Sam into the world Monday, November 25th at 3:56 p.m.
What an amazing gift to be thankful for!

We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. to begin induction. I was already contracting when I got there, but that had been happening for a couple weeks before then. By lunch time, I had made a lot of progress, and between 2:00 and 4:00, things moved really quickly! Delivery went very smoothly (and luckily, very quickly), and before we knew it, our family grew from 3 to 4. Sam was born at 3:56 p.m., weighing 6 lbs 11 oz, and 20 inches long- about 1/2 pound lighter than his big brother. Speaking of big brother, Will has done wonderfully, and he couldn''t wait to give him some love.

Our first picture as a family of 4
Despite the cold weather and continuous rain, we had lots of visitors come to see the new addition to our family.

We are all settled here at home, and will celebrate his 1 week birthday tomorrow. Here are a few  more pictures from our hospital stay.

All bundled up ready to go home!

More updates to come on life as a family of 4!