This sweet baby is 7 months old today! Oh how time flies!
Some things about our little guy:
*At his 6 month check up, he was 14 lbs, 10 oz so I'm guessing maybe 15 1/2 pounds and possibly 27 inches long.
*Wearing size 2 diapers, mostly 6 month or 6-9 month clothes (some 3-6 jammies still fit).
*We have stopped swaddling with the Miracle Blanket as of 6 nights ago. Let's just say it's been a rough past 6 nights :/ Right before we made that decision, one night he rolled over and got stuck with his face against the bumper and scared me to death! No more swaddling after that. We are using a blanket by Summer Infant that is more like a sleep sack, but you can swaddle with arms out. He used to only take a paci at nap time, but now we use it at night sometimes when he wakes himself up.
*Our schedule now (hopefully this will change in a few days when he gets used to arms out):
-bottle (formula) and bed about 8:30-9
-wake up anywhere from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m & bottle
-wake up for good usually around 6 & bottle
-7:00 breakfast- fruit
-1st nap around 9:00 for hour and a half
-10:30 bottle
-lunch 12:00- vegetable
-nap around 1:00 for hour and a half
-wake up 2:30, bottle
-snack (usually he gets a little whiny around 4:00 or so, so we've given him some water in a sippy cup and that usually does the trick)
-nap around 5:00 for 30 minutes
-bottle around 6:00
-dinner 6:30ish, fruit or veggie
-sometimes he can make it till 8:00 awake, sometimes he'll doze off in the living room with us until the last bottle
*Drinking all breastmilk except right before bed. We mix a tiny bit of rice cereal in there too.
*No teeth yet, but there HAS to be something going on in there!
*Can almost sit up by himself, but I don't leave him alone because he's still wobbly.
*No crawling either, but he can spin all the way around and roll pretty much wherever he needs to go
*Loves all baby food except green peas. I went out on limb and bought a Baby Bullet and have been making all his food. It is so easy and so cheap!! It makes me feel a little domestic, too ;)
*Loves to jump in his jumperoo and play in the exersaucer (he jumps in that too)
Here are a few pics from this month:
Beach pictures:
Trying to get a picture of both of them. NOT easy
While brother swims....
At Norah's 1st birthday party
We found out that he LOVES to swing!
Lunch time! Sweet potatoes are delicious...
...and so is his big toe!
Here's a comparison of Will and Sam:
Will- 7 months
Sam- 7 months