This guy...
...has my heart. I am totally, completely in love.
Like, seriously.
And as Will said yesterday morning when he got out of bed,
"Look Mommy! Sam growed up a little bit!"
Yes he did, buddy.
I'm not sure where the last 5 months have gone, but I'm trying to enjoy every moment. Sam is growing and changing every day! A few things about our little guy:
- At his 4 month check up he weighed 12 lbs, and was 24 inches long (9% and 16%)
- He is wearing 3-6 month or 6 month clothes, and is squeezing into size 1 diapers - we only have about 10-15 left, then we're moving to 2's
- Had been sleeping through the night until the past couple weeks. He's started waking up between 1-2. Not sure if it's primarily hunger or maybe teeth? He's drooling like crazy.
- We've tried cereal once or twice at night, and that got him to sleep till 4 or so. We've also put cereal in his last bottle the past several nights. He wasn't taking it on a spoon very well, so we decided to see if that would work.
- Taking 6 bottles (unless he wakes up at 1:00 a.m.) a day and usually naps between each one. His naps are around 1 1/2 hours each, give or take a little.
- He is napping in his car seat when away from home, and in his bouncy seat or swing here at home. We still swaddle him at night in the miracle blanket.
- He is rolling over now both from back to belly and belly to back. (He doesn't do this at night- that's why we still swaddle)
- Takes a paci for naps but doesn't need one at night.
- Loves his daddy's voice and will search for it when he hears it. Makes him smile every time :)
I don't have many pictures from this last month, but here are the ones I've got:
So glad for warmer weather!
Yummy fingers all the time
He started on the play mat and rolled over, and just kept rolling!
A little video of the action:
And that's all I've got! I'll try to do better with pictures this next month!