The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sam - 5 Months

This guy...
...has my heart. I am totally, completely in love.
Like, seriously.
And as Will said yesterday morning when he got out of bed, 
"Look Mommy! Sam growed up a little bit!"
Yes he did, buddy.
I'm not sure where the last 5 months have gone, but I'm trying to enjoy every moment. Sam is growing and changing every day! A few things about our little guy:
  •  At his 4 month check up he weighed 12 lbs, and was 24 inches long (9% and 16%)
  • He is wearing 3-6 month or 6 month clothes, and is squeezing into size 1 diapers - we only have about 10-15 left, then we're moving to 2's
  • Had been sleeping through the night until the past couple weeks. He's started waking up between 1-2. Not sure if it's primarily hunger or maybe teeth? He's drooling like crazy.
  • We've tried cereal once or twice at night, and that got him to sleep till 4 or so. We've also put cereal in his last bottle the past several nights. He wasn't taking it on a spoon very well, so we decided to see if that would work.
  • Taking 6 bottles (unless he wakes up at 1:00 a.m.) a day and usually naps between each one. His naps are around 1 1/2 hours each, give or take a little. 
  • He is napping in his car seat when away from home, and in his bouncy seat or swing here at home. We still swaddle him at night in the miracle blanket. 
  • He is rolling over now both from back to belly and belly to back. (He doesn't do this at night- that's why we still swaddle)
  • Takes a paci for naps but doesn't need one at night. 
  • Loves his daddy's voice and will search for it when he hears it. Makes him smile every time :)
I don't have many pictures from this last month, but here are the ones I've got:
So glad for warmer weather!

Yummy fingers all the time

He started on the play mat and rolled over, and just kept rolling!
 A little video of the action:

 And that's all I've got! I'll try to do better with pictures this next month!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Big Brother Update

With all the attention on the baby, I'm feeling a need to do a post dedicated to my first born.
This guy makes us laugh every day:

He is such a funny, tender hearted, stubborn, loud, smart, silly, loving little boy. He loves his little brother and doesn't like it when he's upset. He also wants to make sure we're happy, "Mommy, are you happy?" all the time.

A few little things about our big boy:
  • His best friend is a little girl named Ella. He loves her SO much that he won't let other children play with her at school because he says she's "his". She doesn't mind at all, but we've talked to him about sharing (and this includes PEOPLE) 
  • When you ask him who his buddies are, he says: Cole, Crocker, Sawyer, and Ayden (he said girls can't be buddies)
  • He also told me when I asked him about playing with girls, "But we don't play with girls. If I do that, I might turn INTO a girl!" Apparently, Ella is the exception to this rule.
  • He says so many funny things- there's no way I can write it all down. Some current words or expressions are: "My friend and my wife....(going somewhere or doing something)",  "deliverly truck", "that's a MUCH (when there's a lot of something)"
  • He knows all his colors, letters, numbers, and shapes and can count as high as you'll let him (but needs a little help going from 29 to 30 but then understands the pattern.
  • He can spell his name (and write it too). He can spell a few other things- Sam, stop, go...
  • He's wearing mostly 3T clothes, with the exception of a few 2Ts. However, pants are a different story- the shorts he wore today are 18 months and they fit perfectly. What I would give for a little, tiny waist like that!
  • He wears about a size 9 shoe, give or take a little. He is fully potty trained, but still needs reminders. He just gets busy and will not stop playing until he's about to explode. But if I tell him we can go tee tee in the grass, he's ALL about it. He wears pull ups during naps and night time. 
  • Loves to drink milk and prefers it over juice or water almost any day. He's not too picky about foods- loves any veggie (usually raw- carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) and any fruit. Meats are a little tricky. He doesn't like anything with gravy or casserole-like. We usually just grill him a chicken breast and he eats on that all week. He'll also eat barbeque pork, steak, and pork tenderloin. Again, grilled or without breading or sauce. 
I know there are so many other things about him that I probably need to write down, but I have a TON of pictures to post. In no particular order:

 trip to Early Works with Ayden

Eating dinner with Ella

Holding baby brother

It has finally warmed up here, so we have been getting lots of playtime outside

Easter Egg Hunts

The best Easter morning pic I could get

More Easter happenings

 very excited about his water guns

playing a little tee ball with daddy

And that's about it for this post!
Stay tuned for a 5 month post about baby brother :)