The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sam- 6 months

Sam was 6 months old on the 25th. Getting a good picture was a little tricky this time. He can't quite sit up by himself, but it's not for lack of trying!

 Had to get one with the little bandaids on his legs :)

A few updates on our little guy:
*At our 6 month check up, he weighed 14 lbs 10 oz, and was 26 inches long (4% weight, 26% height)
*Also, the doctor could not hear the heart murmur anymore! Sam was diagnosed with a heart defect when he was 2 months. We went to a cardiologist and found a tiny hole in one of the chamber walls of his heart. Doctor said that with the size and placement, it should heal itself. We go back at 1 year just to check, but now that it's not audible, we're pretty sure it's closed.
*Wears size 2 diapers, 6-9 or 9 month clothes
*Does pretty well sleeping through the night. Every now and then he'll wake up at 3 or 4, but will usually go back down after he eats.
*Taking about 5 oz breastmilk in each bottle, usually 6 times a day. We've started cereal, but most of the time he spits it out. I can't imagine that it tastes much better than cardboard. We do cereal in the morning, about an hour after his first bottle (sometimes I mix a little baby fruit in there and he seems to take it better).
*He eats a 1st food veggie around dinnertime, depending on his bottle schedule. So far he's liked everything we've given him. Sweet potatoes are probably the favorite, and peas are the least favorite. , but he'll still eat them.
*He's rolling ALL over the place. He'll be clear across the room in 30 seconds. Will thinks this is hilarious!
*Putting everything in his mouth (favorite being hands), but no sign of teeth yet. Will was 7 months when his first one popped up, so we'll see.

A few pictures and videos from this month:

selfie at the doctor

 Love some baby laughs

He's a kicking machine!