The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sam- 9 months

Happy 9 months (1 week late) to this guy!

Will had to get in the picture

Trying to give him kisses

Bless his heart, he's recovering from an ear infection. The first time he's ever been sick in his whole little life :( Because of this, we've been to the doctor recently. She went ahead and checked all his stats for a 9 month check-up he was supposed to have soon anyway.

*He weighs 16 lbs, 4 oz and is 28 inches long
*Still has the heart murmur- we go back to cardiologist at 1 year
*Had infection in 1 ear only, the only noticeable symptom was a little runny nose and a low grade fever.
*Just switched to size 3 diapers, but could probably squeeze in size 2s if we found them lying around
*Wearing 9 month size clothes, except some pajamas that are 12 month
*Eating 3 meals a day, no snack usually, and 5 bottles a day (we fill to 6oz, but hardly ever finishes one)
*Loves all baby food except green beans, peas, and eggplant - avocado is still a favorite
*Taking 2 naps a day, usually 1 1/2 hours each around 9:30 and 1:30
*No teeth yet
*STILL waking up at night, at least once. If it's more than once, he usually just needs a paci to go back to sleep. Eating around 2-3:00 a.m.
*After this ear infection fully passes, I'm considering letting him CIO, or at least try the Ferber method. In spite of his small size, I know he physically does not need to eat in the middle of the night. I hate to hear him cry, and I know it will be a rough few nights, but we'll see how it goes. I may change my mind.
*He has recently (last week) started pulling up on things. After a few days of practicing, he can make it to his feet and hang on to the couch for a minute or so. He is so proud of himself!
*Sam still army crawls, but is trying out real crawling. He's just much slower when he's on his hands and knees, so he usually opts for scooting.
*We've been on formula for about 2-3 weeks now. I thought the gallons of breastmilk I froze would last forever, but that's not the case. I really think that's what has kept him well the past 9 months. Now we've got out first sickness :( but school also started, which means more germs at daycare

I hardly have any pictures from this month! This is sad :( Sorry buddy, mommy will do better next month!

I tried to upload a couple videos, but I was having technical difficulties :(

Here's a comparison of Will and Sam at 9 months:

