That ear infection that I mentioned on his 9 month post? Took us 3 1/2 weeks to recover. The first antibiotic did not work, so we had to go back and get a different kind.
A few things about our little guy:
*Sleeping better at night, but still not consistently though the night. Maybe 3-4 times a week.
*We tried out a new cereal for breakfast- I think it's Gerber's strawberry something. He loves it! He'd never been a fan of rice cereal or oatmeal, even when we mixed fruit with it, but now I think we've found a winner!
*Eats 3x a day- cereal for breakfast, fruit and veggie at lunch, fruit and veggie at dinner.
*Drinks water from a sippy cup, although about half of it ends up all over him.
*New foods this month (that I can remember): cauliflower- not a fan, and mashed potatoes- loves them! We didn't try new fruits, he pretty much likes everything he's had. Favorites are still avocadoes and pretty much any fruit.
*Naps 2x a day, usually 2 hours each
*Pulling up on everything! He can travel across the length of the couch too. He can also balance while only using 1 hand to hold on. I think he'll be walking by his birthday (Nov. 25).
*Still no teeth!
*Wearing size 3 diapers, 9 month 9-12 month clothes, haven't put shoes on yet :)
*Sleeps with a paci, but sometimes it falls out at night and he's usually fine. He's gotten to where he can find it and stick it back in. Definitely uses it at nap time.
*"Talking" all the time! Recognizes "Daddy", "Mommy", and "Will" and usually looks for them when asked.
*Crawls, but mostly army crawling with his belly on the ground. He's still super fast!
So I didn't do much better with pictures this month, but here's what I've got!
Mashed potatoes!