His little smile melts my heart :)
A few updates on our little guy:
- At his 2 month check up, he weighed 11 pounds (16%) and was 22 inches long (9%). I looked back at Will's 2 month stats and Sam is just a little bit smaller- but he was born a little smaller too
- He's wearing mostly 0-3 months and 3 month clothes, with the exception of a couple 3-6 month things that run small. Wearing size 1 diapers.
- On average, sleeps about 7 hours straight at night, usually from about 10 till 5. We love the Miracle Blanket! He started sleeping much longer when we began using it about a month ago.
- After he wakes up around 5, he'll eat and then usually go back to sleep until between 7 and 8:00. His first nap is usually around 9 or 9:30 and he takes another one around lunch time. He isn't awake for longer than maybe 2 hours at a time (at the most). Another nap late afternoon, and a quick one around 8 p.m. or so.
- Starting next week, I return to work. Cue the tears....
- Because of this, I'm going to try and back up bedtime a little. 10-10:30 is too late for this working mama to be staying up. This will probably cause him to wake up earlier, but I have to get up around 5 anyway to get ready for school.
- I don't think going back to work will be quite as hard with Sam as it was with Will. That being said, I am still going to miss him like crazy! No more pajama days :(
- Good news- 3 weeks till Spring Break! Then only 9 until summer- wahoo!
- I will be glad to see my 19 kiddos though, I've got some sweeties this year
- Sam takes about 4 to 4 1/2 oz in each bottle, still breast milk only except before bed. We started supplementing back in January in preparation for me to be gone to CA for the Championship Game. I was trying to save up. And oh my goodness, have I. We have filled the deep freezer, and are now working on a 2nd freezer in the garage. He should be set until his first birthday :)
- Will is still doing great with him. Besides the obvious 3 year old antics, I think he's adjusting well. At least, I know it could be worse.
- We took a trip to Auburn this past weekend, but I didn't take one single picture! We all went to a basketball game and stayed a couple nights.
2 month check up
ceiling fans are pretty great
love this belly
We had a GIANT snow here a few weeks ago. This was as close as Sam got to playing in the snow.
While brother was in a laundry basket/sled
Sam was pretty comfy in his carseat in the garage while we played for a bit
Also new this month, the discovery of his hands. Really, its been the past week or so- he tries to jam the whole thing in his mouth.
Well, that's it for this month! Stay tuned for more updates soon! One quick comparison before I'm done:Sam- 3 months

Will- 3 months

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