NO WAY has it been almost a year since our precious baby was born. I really cannot believe it.
Firsts: walking forward in your walker, cruising a little bit, going to a high school football game- you did great
News Headlines: Earthquake hits Virginia, Hurricane Irene strikes the NE coast
Measurements: Mostly 12-18 month clothing. It seems like every time I do laundry, I have to pack at least a couple things away :( At your 9 month checkup, you weighed 20 lbs 12 ounces- I'd bet you're close to 22 lbs now. You are probably around 30-31 inches long. Size 3 diapers, but we're almost out. I am only buying 4's now- you fit in those too.
Milestones: You have almost 8 teeth! Bless your heart, you're having a tough time here recently. Four teeth are coming in all at once! No walking yet. You get confident sometimes and let go of the table or couch with one hand, but usually grab back on pretty quickly. You definitely know who "dada" is. I'd like to think "mama" too, but sometimes you say it for no particular reason. I think you know your first word "woof". One of the books we read is about pets, and on the dog page, I say "woof" and you say "ooof"! You are so close to saying the word "light". When I say it, you get the "t" sound at the end.
Other Info.:
-One of your favorite things to do is pull things out of drawers (and sling them all over the place)
-Of course, you love electrical cords. You know you shouldn't get near them- we say "no, no" and you look at us and smile. Sometimes, you will crawl away, but other times you test us to see if we'll stick with it.
- I absolutely love rocking you at night. You snuggle up next to me and it almost makes me cry. I'm not really sure why- maybe because you are growing up too fast, maybe because there is no conceivable way to love you more than I do. Or a combination of both.
- You LOVE Cheerios. I mean, really love them. As in, you could eat them anytime, anywhere. I usually keep a box in the living room and when I am sitting on the couch, you pull up beside me and open your mouth for me to pop a Cheerio in!
-We are working on the waving bye-bye thing. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. But we still try anyway :)
-The sound of the food processor terrifies you to no does opening garbage bags, running the garbage disposal, or dropping anything big and loud on the floor. HUGE crocodile tears...pitiful :(
-You LOVE to look at lights on the ceiling. Actually, lamps will do just fine too. When we say "Light", you automatically look up. When I put my hand on the light switch, you look up and wait for it to come on. Smartie pants :)
- We are on a pretty solid sleeping schedule now- although there are exceptions. You are usually asleep between 7:30 and 8, and sleep until about 5:30 a.m. You take 2 naps during the day, usually totaling about 4 hours (give or take a few minutes).
-We still do baths every other night, but we probably need to do it every night. With all this crawling, I can definitely tell when our floors need mopping- your knees and the tops of your feet turn black, aka- "wal-mart knees"
-A couple of mommy's friends are about to have babies, and I have loved giving advice to them! It takes me back to those days where you would let me rock and cuddle you all day. I miss those days....but, I am so happy to watch you grow and learn every day.
A few pictures and short videos from this month:
You make this sound with your mouth ALL the time
This is you trying to get the dogs to come up on the deck. I heard a banging sound, and I found this...
If you listen carefully, you can hear him saying "ooof" (or woof) to Murphy through the window
I think this is really from his 10th month, but it's a cute picture of him playing with his buddy Caleb
In. To. Everything.
Reading with Granna :)
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