The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holidays and Will updates

What a busy past couple months! I am so far behind with blogging, I almost don't know where to start.

We'll back all the way up to Halloween. Will dressed up as a pumpkin and LOVED his costume. He cried every time we had to take it off to buckle him in his carseat. We trick-or-treated at our 3 neighbors houses and then went to a festival at church. Will's friend Ella was there as the cutest little bumblebee you've ever seen. Will loved dancing to the music and eating sticky suckers.

Next up- Thanksgiving! Apparently I took zero pictures of any actual family gathering, boo. However I do have one of Will in this little indian headdress he made at daycare. He loved it so much and wore it all the time- complete with "woo woo woo" indian noises. 

After the big Thanksgiving meal, Will played a little "bolf" with daddy in Mimi's backyard. Daddy is trying to teach him the correct technique :)

Fast forward to Christmas!
This year was so much fun. Jeff got a video of him coming out of his room and seeing the presents. It was precious! Any time anyone would ask what he wanted for Christmas, he would say the same thing- "a wed wagon" (red). Santa came through and brought him his very own red wagon full of presents! "Yegos" (legos) were also high on the list and he has loved playing with his new set. Most pictures were taken by my sister in law with an awesome camera, but I have a few that were on my phone.

Breakfast with Santa at "mama's cool" (school)
He ran right up to Santa and loved him!

Nana came too!

We went to Noccalula Falls to see the lights and ride the train with Ella's family. We waited FORever to get in and then another hour to ride the train. But the kids loved it! Will still talks about it today.

Christmas party at Mrs. Tucker's house. We don't know what we'd do without her! She has kept Will 3 days a week since he was 3 months old. She's the one that finally got him on some kind of sleep schedule when he was a baby.

The famous "wed wagon"! It has travelled all around our house (since the weather has been yucky). Will got these Christmas jammies from Mimi and PawPaw....

...get ready for the cutest picture ever...
all the cousins in matching pajamas- I love it!

Another favorite toy- a green car that goes when you shake it. He loves to lay down on the floor and play with it.

He loves his Cat in the Hat- this was in his stocking. He now sleeps with this, a puppy that the ladies in the nursery at church gave him, his tiger, and Llama Llama red pajama. And when I lay him down he says "cuber Will?" (cover Will)- add a blanket

He is talking SO much! Long sentences, 5-8 word sentences most of the time. When I went to get him out of bed the other morning, the first thing he says is, "Will need a nakin to bow nose and get boogas out!" Haha...

He also knows almost all of his letters (capitals only) and can spell his name, stop, and go. He's known shapes and colors for a while now, and numbers are still up to 20. He can sing the ABC's, Jingle Bells, Row Row Your Boat, and say a blessing "God Our Father" (with eyes closed- it's pretty adorable).

Tomatoes are still a favorite food. Here's a picture to prove it-
He eats several little ones with lunch and dinner every day. 

He loves gummies, or "bumeens". The Scooby Doo ones in particular. If he eats a good dinner, he has some afterwards. "Ice peem" is also a favorite.

He is still napping for about 2 hours every afternoon, usually around 1:00 or so. Sometimes he naps longer, sometimes a little less than 2 hours. 

We have not started potty training yet. He was wanting to sit on the potty like a big boy, so we got one of those seats to put on top so he doesn't fall in. I don't think he gets exactly what's supposed to happen once you sit down. Haha....I'm not pushing it though.
Anyway, that's a (not so) quick update on life at our house! Hope to be back soon!