The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Thoughtful Morning

My day began bright and early at 5:00 this morning. This is my first day back to work since I've had Will, and it will be a tough one. It is a teacher work day, so I'm allowed to arrive a little later than normal. Will will be staying with a babysitter at her house Mon-Wed. and with my parents on Thursdays and Fridays. I have dreaded this day for 3 months. Not that I don't love my job and miss my kids, I do, but any working mother can sympathize with me. I know he will be fine and grow up to be a well-adjusted, fully-functioning citizen..but still...

I trust "Mrs. Tucker" and of course my parents, and I know he will be very well taken care of. But as a mother, you feel like no one can do it quite like you can. 

Please pray for me today- I think it will be much harder for me to adjust to our new schedule then it will for the baby. I have spent many moments in prayer the past few weeks preparing for this day and ones to come. I will post some updates later :) Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Hope you had a good day. I know exactly how you feel!

  2. Prayed for you today! Hope it went smoothly. It's much harder on you than on Will. He's probably a happy camper as long as he is fed, changed, and played with and I'm sure he is well taken care of. Just start counting down the days until Spring and Summer break and that will be your motivation to get through each day! I hope tomorrow is even better than today :)
