The Weathers Family

The Weathers Family

Friday, July 20, 2012

Will Lately

Since I have stopped with the monthly posts, and since Will is seeming to change every day, I decided a (not so) little update was needed. He will be 22 months old in about a week. And he is talking. All. The. Time. No really, ALL the time. I would say about half of it we can understand (we, as in close family).

He is speaking in short sentences, such as "Wobut mow mow bass?" Translation: "Robert (our neighbor) mow mow grass?" We ride the golf cart every day and talk about our neighbors and who lives where. A lot of his sentences start with "na, na, na..."
Example, "Na, na, na, mimi and pawpaw ouse (house)". I think he says that instead of "I want to go to". Who knows? But it's pretty entertaining hanging with this little guy all day :) I'm definitely glad it's summer.

We finally gave up the night time bottle (shhh....awful I know), and he let it go like it never existed. What a relief.

He's still wearing size 4 diapers- he has the tiniest waist. Size 18-24 month clothes, some 2T, and size 6 shoes.

He has also now had his 2nd haircut. We documented the first one on a previous post, and this one went much better. He only cried a little at the beginning, and quickly became distracted by 2 sticky suckers.

Some favorites/obsessions of the moment:

or as he calls them, "ba ba's"
who knows where that came from....

matchbox cars- "cahs"

these little blankets- I never really called them anything, just "Where's your blanket?"
 And somehow he now calls them "mup mups"

every night before bed- "amma, amma"

followed by:
...and in that order, precisely.

I've DVR'd's available all the time- "mouse!, Pete!, meme mouse! quack!"

major obsession here!! Airplanes, or really anything of the sort, helicopters included. He thinks he hears one, "airPANE???" he sees one, "airPANE!!!!!" freaks. out.
He loves them, so much that I am almost definitely going to do an airplane theme for his 2nd birthday party. It's either that or his 2nd favorite thing:
And I don't think we are going to have a Harley themed party. 
(Anytime he sees or hears one, he calls it an "aggie". That is the strangest of his words right now- no idea how he gets that- but bicycles, wheelchairs, and tricycles are all "aggies" too)

Some other pics of the last few weeks:

loves the water table

super cool

water from the hose is the best!

playing with sweet friend Ella

just doing some reading- I just KNOW he's thinking, "Mama, please buy me some Kelly's Kids." You'll have to take that one up with your daddy, buddy.

Lunch with Ayden after playing at Kidz Zone

So pretty much, he's a big kid now. He's growing so fast, and learning new words and phrases even faster. He is such a good baby (or I guess I should say toddler). Easily plays by himself, naps and goes to bed SO easily he almost does it himself. He can be a very loving child too. There are moments where he'll just let me cuddle with him. I say moments, and that could mean literally 8 seconds, or 8 minutes. I soak up every little bit I can get :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh by, there is no going back now! Once Caleb started talking all of the time, it never this day, he will still talk you crazy, ha! But it is fun :) An airplane 2nd Birthday sounds cute too.
